chainmail, glass sphere, 100x40x15cm
A glass sphere rests on a sort of ventral sac, obtained from a chainmail. I see the latter as a phantom, a casing emptied of the body, that carries a predictive tool. The glass sphere is a potentially all-encompassing, transparent, and at the same time cryptic container. Shining with reflected light, it refers to a lunar type of knowledge, i.e.based on irrational intuition rather than on the dissection of words and concepts. The work can be read as an evocation of magical thinking, of its persistence in contemporary narratives. The topos of clairvoyance, in fact, today returns in the form of hyper-advanced technologies, such as the predictive algorithms used in Data analysis.
2019 Homo Sapiens, DAS, Bologna, curated by Davide Da Pieve
2019 Ducato Prize finalists exhibition, Palazzo del Podestà, Castell’Arquato (PC)
2018 Communal Leakings, Macao, Milano, curated by MRZB
1-3 installation views at Communal Leakings, 2018, Macao, Milano, curated by MRZB
4-6 installation views at Homo Sapiens, 2019, DAS, Bologna, curated by Davide Da Pieve
Ph: Roberto Casti, Filippo Cecconi, Manuel Montesano